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Chronic fatigue is a complex medical condition characterized by extreme and persistent fatigue that is not improved by rest. The key feature is that the fatigue causes significant disruption in daily living and lasts for more than 6 months.

Some key facts about chronic fatigue:

  • It is more than just feeling tired - the fatigue is debilitating and affects both physical and mental functioning. Patients describe it as an overwhelming exhaustion that prevents normal activity.
  • In addition to fatigue, people with chronic fatigue often have various other symptoms like headaches, muscle pain, impaired memory and concentration, insomnia, etc.
  • There are a variety of possible causes including viral infections, immune system disorders, sleep disorders, stress, etc. However, the exact causative factors are poorly understood.
  • For diagnosis, first other medical conditions that could cause fatigue need to be excluded through medical history, physical exam and testing. Then the diagnostic criteria focus on the severity, duration and impact of fatigue.

So in summary, what defines chronic fatigue syndrome?

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) refers to persistent fatigue lasting over 6 months that is not relieved by rest and leads to considerable reduction in previous activity levels. The fatigue is accompanied by various cognitive and physiological symptoms.

CFS remains a challenging condition to manage because there are no diagnostic tests and treatment focuses on relieving symptoms. Lifestyle changes like balanced rest and activity, stress-reduction, healthy diet and vitamins may help. Medications are given for issues like pain, sleep disturbance or depression. Graded exercise therapy (GET) is also found useful.

The pathophysiology and definitive causes behind CFS are unclear. Research continues on biological markers and exploring factors like genetics, immunity, infection and stress - either as triggers or perpetuating factors.

In summary:

  • Chronic fatigue refers to severe, persistent fatigue >6months causing substantial limitation in activity.
  • It is a complex disorder that impairs physical and mental functioning. Other than fatigue, CFS has varied symptoms like musculoskeletal pain, headaches, memory issues etc.
  • Exact mechanisms behind CFS are poorly understood with multiple factors implicated. Management focuses on relieving symptoms through lifestyle adaptation, graded exercise and medications.

I hope this gives a good overview explaining the key aspects of chronic fatigue syndrome! Let me know if you need any clarification or have additional questions.

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